Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Learning Styles Inventory ( Lsi ) - 921 Words

In EDCL 5339, Understanding Self, I took the Learning Styles Inventory (LSI). The results showed that my confirmed strengths are Oppositional, Power, Competitive and Perfectionist. I do not demonstrate strong Oppositional self. I tend to keep an open mind and am willing to listen to others’ opinion. Sometimes, I feel I go along with what others want easily. In my close relationships, I am more opinionated than I am with my colleagues. I would like to develop the ability to be more analytical and ask tough questions. I think this is an important skill of a leader. As for my lower Power, Competitive and Perfectionist self, I am content with who I am in those areas. I am a team player and I work well with individuals. I would not want to change a thing. I am not interested in controlling or â€Å"one-upping† others. I enjoy working with others and celebrating their achievements, along with mine. My areas of unrecognized strengths are Humanistic/Encouraging, Affiliate, Conventional and Achievement. I believe that the biggest issue for me in this area is my tendency to over-analyze my actions and reactions. I do not have full confidence in myself. In the area of Humanistic/Encouraging, I feel that I have good people skills. I can get along with people well and if there is an issue, I approach it with tact. Outside of the work place, I believe that I do this well. In the work place, I’m struggling with being supportive and encouraging at work. I feel I’m notShow MoreRelatedLearning Style Inventory ( Lsi )1679 Words   |  7 Pages Learning Style is a Term that has been of interest in the past few decades in the field of Organizational Behavior. It refers to the way individuals perceive to acquire new skills, knowledge, or education. Scholars of organizational behavior owe David Kolb who is the leading pioneer for the introduction of such term due to his work since 1970`s. David Kolb, a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland in the US, established an Experimental theory basedRead MoreThe Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi )1486 Words   |  6 Pagesneed to focus on the concept of individual learning and how it is the building block on my education. In the course we learned about the adult learning process and how we can figure out what techniques and approaches are best suitable for each of us. In the interactive class, we were given worksheets that help us determine what learning style we relate to the most and the benefits that learning style has in an organization. The Learning Style Inventory (LSI) helped me conclude that I gear towards theRead MoreThe Learning Style Inventory ( Lsi )1289 Words   |  6 Pagesresearched on how to put together a project in order to identify the learning styles. The starting point of this scheme was supported by the Kolb learning style inventory (LSI). Finally, they came up with the idea of a questionnaire. They gathered eighty questions together, containing four different learning styles along with characteristics of the person/s that might fit in. The image below represents the theory along with the learning styles produced. (, 2011) Many people will argue thatRead MoreTeaching Strategies For Learning Style Preferences853 Words   |  4 PagesIt is in this article that Beck matches three teaching strategies to learning style preferences. During which he attempts to link the 4MAT system, Dunn’s LSI, and the Renzulli Smith’s LSI to teaching strategies associated to display individual learning preferences linked to the brain’s hemispheres. The 4MAT system and Dunn’s LSI is teacher driven teaching strategies while the Renzulli Smith’s LSI allows student input into their teaching strategies. In linking the 4MAT system to teaching strategiesRead MoreKolb Learning Style Inventory7058 Words   |  29 PagesThe Kolb Learning Style Inventory—Version 3.1 2005 Technical Speciï ¬ cations Alice Y. Kolb Experience Based Learning Systems, Inc. David A. Kolb Case Western Reserve University May 15, 2005 Abstract The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 (KLSI 3.1), revised in 2005, is the latest revision of the original Learning Style Inventory developed by David A. Kolb. Like its predecessors, KLSI 3.1 is based on experiential learning theory (Kolb 1984) and is designed to help individuals identify the wayRead MoreEssay on Gm591 - Life Styles Inventory (Lsi) Results1486 Words   |  6 Pages[pic] GM 591: Life Styles Inventory – Survey results for John Hastings Instructor: Rick Roechnes Date: 09-JAN-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Personal Thinking Styles (Part I) 3 2.1 Primary thinking Back up thinking style 4 2.2 Limiting thinking style 4 3.0 Impact on Management Style (Part II) 5 3.1 Planning 5 3.2 Organizing 6 3.3 Leading 6 3.4 Controlling 6 4.0 Genesis of Personal Styles (Part III) 6 5.0 ConclusionRead MoreThe Academic Success Patterns Of Each Individual Participant1350 Words   |  6 Pageswill be no restrictions on characteristics such as age, race or ethnicity. The learning styles of each participant will be measured at the beginning of each semester, therefore if any of the participant’s learning styles change by the end of semester one, their data will be excluded from the study. Since the study is looking at the academic success patterns of each individual participant, the change in learning style from first to second semester could cause a disruption in the data patterns, whichRead MoreLsi Paper1622 Words   |  7 PagesLSI PAPER Richard Timian Leadership and Organizational Behavior Friday, September 14, 2007 Introduction The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is a self-assessment diagnostic instrument that measures 12 key thinking patterns, or styles. The LSI promotes performance change and improvement by increasing personal understanding of ones thinking and behavior. By responding to these 240 inventory items, individuals learn exactly where they need to focus their development efforts, without ambiguityRead MoreNotes On Life Styles Inventory979 Words   |  4 Pages Life Styles Inventory Jameka S. Carter Ms. Hallcom 9/14/14 â€Æ' Life Styles Inventory Introduction Individuals possess different skills that have an impact on their thinking and management style. The style varies from individual to individual depending on their opinions, perceptions, thoughts, and skills. The Life Style Inventory is a tool, which can be used to analyze and evaluate the management and leadership skills of an individual. The LSI has different styles and individuals can rateRead MoreLife Styles Inventory852 Words   |  3 Pagesplethora of work experience; therefore, I could not name all five characteristics corresponding to what she asked. Dr. John Doe created the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) assignment; the purpose of this assessment is for people to receive a better understanding of oneself. As stated form the LSI website, Life Styles Inventory (LSI) measures 12 specific styles of patterns of thinking that can either help or hinder a person from reaching his or her potential. The system provides a road map to properly

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